Average Settlement For Car Accident (Back and Neck Injury)

If you’re currently suffering from the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, you’re already familiar with the financial toll it takes. From medical bills to lost wages, some extra funds could definitely come in handy.
In cases like this, most people file a claim with their car insurance company, hoping to be compensated for their injuries. However, most car accident cases end with a settlement offer.
In this article, we’ll discuss the average settlement for car accident back and neck injuries and which medical treatment options are available to you.
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Average Settlement For Car Accident Back and Neck Injury
A quick Google search shows that the average car accident settlement for a back and neck injury is around $900,000—which sounds exciting for someone with a pile of medical bills to pay!
However, it’s important to note that “average” does not mean “the most common settlement amount.” Others will settle for far more, others for far less. The median car accident settlement amount is closer to $250,000.
At the end of the day, the average settlement amount does not matter. Only your settlement amount matters.
While you can research the settlement offers that other people have gotten, these numbers do not reflect your injuries, your insurance carrier, or your personal injury attorney.
Common Neck and Back Injuries
Neck and back injuries are some of the most common injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, primarily due to the forces your body undergoes.
Depending on your anatomy, any pre-existing conditions you have, and details of the accident itself, you may experience any one of a wide range of potential injuries.
Some of the most common car accident injuries include:
- Whiplash,
- Herniated discs,
- Spinal cord injuries,
- Muscle sprains,
- Fractures,
- Spinal Stenosis.
Symptoms of these injuries, particularly whiplash, may not even present themselves for days or weeks after your accident, and all of them can have long-lasting effects on your physical health.
That’s why it’s crucial to take your car accident treatment seriously even if you don’t think you were too badly injured. Chiropractic care can even detect hidden injuries before they become a serious problem.
Being proactive could save you from more debilitating injuries for years to come.
How Car Accident Settlements Are Calculated
So how do you know what to expect with your car accident case?
Auto insurance companies spend a lot of time investigating car accident cases before making a settlement offer — And don’t forget there’s a 14 Day Accident Law in Florida.
In many cases, you will have to provide documentation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and details about the accident. Next, your insurance carrier will discuss your case with their own legal team to arrive at an offer they think is fair.
While every insurance company calculates their settlement offers differently, most will consider such things as:
- The nature of the injury;
- The severity of the injury;
- Past and future medical bills;
- Lost wages;
- Pain and suffering.
More severe injuries typically result in larger settlements.
The purpose of a car accident settlement is to reimburse you for past expenses related to the accident (such as medical bills and lost wages) and to fund any future medical treatment that may be required.
How To Use Your Car Accident Settlement
Depending on your injuries, there are a wide range of medical treatments you can pursue following a car accident.
Traditional medical care often involves physical therapy, medications, and even surgery. However, these treatment methods can be invasive, expensive, and come with debilitating side effects.
Chiropractic treatment, on the other hand, is a holistic treatment that heals your body naturally. And trust us, you should definitely see a personal injury chiropractor.
Rather than treating a network of symptoms, car accident chiropractors treat your pain at its source. By returning your body to its proper alignment, your muscles, nerves, and blood vessels can return to their natural state.
Get the Most Out Of Your Settlement Amount
Once you accept the settlement from your insurance company, you won’t be able to ask them for more money, even if you run out. The funds you receive in your personal injury case need to last throughout your recovery.
Finding the most cost-effective treatment is crucial.
If you’re concerned that your settlement amount isn’t enough to pay for your ongoing medical care, consider giving chiropractic treatment a try!
Adjustments and medical massage are often less invasive, more affordable, and (in some cases) just as effective as traditional medicine.
Schedule your appointment today to see how we can get you on the road to recovery!