Oviedo Chiropractic Blog

5 Reasons Why You Should See a Car Accident Chiropractor

Should you visit a personal injury chiropractor following an accident? An auto accident chiropractor is a professional you can rely on when you’re involved in a car accident.

You may not consider the importance of getting chiropractic care, but this is an important step that could benefit your health.

This article provides five key reasons you need to make an appointment with a car accident chiropractor.

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Desk work getting you down? Don’t let your spine suffer.

Here’s how to create an ergonomic desk setup that will help—not hurt—your body.


Whether you’re heading into an office or working from home in your favorite slippers, having an ergonomic workstation is more important than ever. After all, most of us spend hours sitting at a desk, and an ergonomic desk setup can make the difference between ending the day feeling great or dealing with aches and pains.

Contrary to what you might think, setting up an ergonomic space doesn’t have to require expensive equipment or a complete overhaul to have an immense impact.

Read on for practical tips to create a workstation that supports your body—no matter where you call “the office.”



November 25, 2024 ErgonomicsNeck Pain

Smartphones are an integral part of our lives, but they can also cause a lot of pain in the neck.

Learn what text neck syndrome is and how to prevent neck pain.

Technology touches our lives in many different ways. It has opened the roads of communication, allowed us to see people from other countries on video, pack computers in a bag and carry them along, and given us the ability to take quality photos any time we want.

So what if we told you that technology could actually be causing you physical pain? The way we hold devices (and how long we use them) can actually manifest in aches and pains throughout our body due to poor posture.

Namely: text neck also known as tech neck.

Read on to find out what text neck syndrome is, and how you might be able to alleviate or prevent it.


November 8, 2024 Neck Pain

Torticollis doesn’t just affect newborns and infants.

Let’s examine how to treat torticollis in adults.


Torticollis, commonly known as “wry neck,” is a condition where the neck muscles tighten or shorten, causing the head to tilt involuntarily to one side. While it’s most commonly seen in infants, adults can also experience this uncomfortable and sometimes painful condition.

Adult-onset torticollis can disrupt daily life and often requires a unique approach to treatment and management. In this post, we’ll explore what causes torticollis in adults, how it can be treated, and steps you can take to relieve symptoms.


October 7, 2024 Neck Pain

It’s more than just a pain in the neck.

Torticollis can cause reduced range of motion and other complications.


Torticollis, often referred to as “twisted neck” or “wry neck,” is a condition affecting the head and neck. This can result in discomfort, limited range of motion, and an abnormal posture where the head tilts to one side.

Torticollis can develop in both children and adults, and may be caused by muscle strain, injury, or underlying conditions.

At Oviedo Chiropractic, we focus on treating the root causes of torticollis to help restore proper alignment and relieve the discomfort associated with this condition.



If you’re currently suffering from the aftermath of a motor vehicle accident, you’re already familiar with the financial toll it takes. From medical bills to lost wages, some extra funds could definitely come in handy.

In cases like this, most people file a claim with their car insurance company, hoping to be compensated for their injuries. However, most car accident cases end with a settlement offer.

In this article, we’ll discuss the average settlement for car accident back and neck injuries and which medical treatment options are available to you.


Sure, a massage feels incredibly relaxing…

…but is it a good car accident treatment?


Anyone who has been involved in a car accident can tell you that they are no joke.

Even if you manage to avoid a serious medical condition (such as a traumatic brain injury or broken limb), a vehicle accident can leave you in a lot of pain. But before you seek medical attention through physical therapy or painkillers, there’s another car accident treatment you should try.

A combination of chiropractic care and medical massage can be extremely effective at treating your pain at the source, allowing your body to truly heal from the inside out.


December 26, 2023 Chiropractic CareNeck Pain

Traditional treatment takes four to six weeks.

Here’s why you should see a chiropractor for pinched nerve pain.


Numbness in your fingers, tingling in your feet, pain that radiates down your arm…. There’s a chance that all of these complaints have a common origin: your spine!

Pinched nerves can cause pain, tingling, weakness, and other symptoms throughout the body. And while traditional medicine can offer a treatment plan, there’s a faster, more effective option.

Seeing a chiropractor for your pinched nerve will root out the issue (without harmful side effects).


November 20, 2023 Neck Pain

Waking up with pain isn’t normal.

Let’s look at the best pillow for neck pain and how to wake up pain-free.


We all know how important it is to get a full night of solid sleep. Waking up feeling rested, refreshed, and pain-free can not only reduce your risk of certain diseases, but it can also help boost your mental health and make you more productive during the day.

But sometimes, sleeping well is easier said than done. Especially if you’re dealing with neck pain.

Whether your neck pain is from an injury or from poor sleep positioning, here are our recommendations for getting a good night’s sleep (as well as the best pillow for neck pain).


June 2, 2023 Back PainNeck Pain

Getting a good night’s sleep shouldn’t cause you pain.

Learn how to sleep better and get chiropractor recommended mattress and pillow suggestions.


The phrase “good night, sleep tight” shouldn’t refer to how your muscles feel when you wake up in the morning!

Good rest is important for feeling our best as we work, play, or just relax. But the quality of your sleep doesn’t just depend on your REM stages. Your mattress, pillow, and sleep position all play a crucial role in the health of your spine.

As your Oviedo chiropractor, it’s important that you get enough sleep to be restored and refreshed when you wake in the morning, but that can’t happen if you’re not sleeping correctly.


April 21, 2023 Car AccidentsNeck Pain

Whiplash is a pain in the neck.

Learn how chiropractic treatment can provide relief.


Chiropractic care can be used to treat numerous physical ailments, and one of the most common ailments it is used to treat is whiplash.

Whiplash is an injury to the neck that often occurs as a result of a sudden, unexpected jerk or snap of the neck. It typically results from car crashes, contact sports, roller coaster rides, and other physical activities where there is rapid neck movement in one direction or another.

It produces a tremendous strain on the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the neck, resulting in pain and soreness throughout this area of the body that could last anywhere between a few days to several months. Other symptoms include restricted movement, headaches, trouble sleeping, and dizziness.

Fortunately, a chiropractor can provide relief from whiplash. Through tailored adjustments, you’ll not only start seeing improved mobility, but also decrease many painful symptoms associated with your injury.

For some, chiropractic offers relief from pain. For others, it's about feeling and looking good. Call today and see what chiropractic can do for you!

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Oviedo Chiropractic

2871 Clayton Crossing Way Suite 1073
Oviedo, FL 32765
(407) 542-1614
(407) 542-1615*

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